Blending the technology and traditional craft together, we want to propagate the traditional craft to the civilization of our culture and stimulate the learning process of children. The warm temper of wooden craft is a perfect reserve material for children to feel the world. The electronic design of the sensor represents the modern trend of this world. When playing with this two thing together, children would develop multiple parts in their mind, including logical thinking, composition ability, deduction ability and the ability of observation, and result in the best outcome of their learning.
In this mode, once the players place the animal chess on the game board, the animal would start to sound their voice. Different from Recognition mode, which provides players the description of an animal, Interaction mode is a kind of demonstration of players’ idea. The game board is divided into four parts. , When placing the same animal is placed into different parts, they will make the different voices.
1. Recognition mode
This is the first mode that player should use in their playing time. Recognition mode will teach players the knowledge about specific animal and describe the detail using recorded voice. After listening to the hint and find the corresponding animal, plays should place animal to their correct nitch.
2. Interaction mode
In this mode, once the players place the animal chess on the game board, the animal would start to sound their voice. Different from Recognition mode, which provides players the description of an animal, Interaction mode is a kind of demonstration of plays’ idea. The game board is divided into four part, when placing the same animal into the different part, they will make the different voice.
3. Chorus mode
When the Chorus mode is activated, it will compose the sound chess into a complete song. The instrument of the composition is determined by the animal chess that player put on the board.
The following red sentences are parts of audio speakers.
Switch on the power(Power in effect)
A-1 Automatically turn off if the game is idled for more than 5 minutes.
A-2 Power off (Power off effect)
Mode selection: (Inform players the mode name)
B-1 Recognition mode (Hello everyone! This is the mode 1, Recognition mode)
B-1-1 (Hi kids! I’ll speak three kinds of hint, please help animal find their home. Now please clear all of the chess on the board)
(Are you ready!?)
(Let’s start the game!) (Game start sound effect)
B-1-2 The voice speaking would randomly choose three kinds of a hint to inform the players. Players should put the corresponding chess on the game board according to the information. For example:
(Number X, this animal 1.has two legs, 2. can talk, 3. can dress themselves)
B-1-3 If the players is correct
(Applauding sound effect, randomly choose from "excellent, great, good, perfect, good job")
B-1-4 If incorrect
(sound effect “No no!”, try again)
loopback to B-1-3 at the first time
B-1-5 If players answer the wrong answer for more than 2 times,
(The answer is …, Try harder!)
B-1-6 (Please clean the chess on the game board)
loopback to B-1-2 and jump to the next question after 2 second
B-2 Interaction mode: (This is the mode 2, Interaction mode)
B-2-1: (Hello everybody, please put animals on board and listen carefully how they play with each other!)
(Are you ready!?)
(Let’s start the game!) (Game start sound effect)
B-2-2: (Sound effect: stream, chirping, wind)
Besides the sound effect of animal chess, the board would also enliven the surrounding by playing the background sound effect of the area. For example, if two animals are placed into river zone, the game board would play the “Stream” sound effect. Also, the sound effect of two animal chess is interactive for a specific combination. For instance, if a player put “cat” and “dog” chess together, they would start to fight with each other, and thus the board would play the fighting sound effect of them.
B-3 Chorus Mode (This is mode 3, Chorus mode)
B-3-1 (Hello kids! For now, let’s listen to the beautiful sound from farmers and their animals!)
(Are you ready!?)
(Let’s start the game!) (Game start sound effect)
When Chorus mode is activated, it will randomly play the music from a built-in database. Besides, it will compose each animal as instruments in the song to produce a unique combination originated from children’s creativity.
Based board: 30 x 30 cm
Chess: For every chess, the height of them is about 8ch, the base of the chess is 7cm. The base of them are not solid, it contains a 3cm x 1cm hollow space for battery installation.
Accessory: Tree: 3cm(diameter) x 6cm(height), Grass: 2cm(diameter) x 4cm(height), Battery box: 8cm(diameter) x 6cm(height)
There are total 15 unit.
3D Display
For the requirement of National Science Council (Ministry of Science and Technology), we have to combine the modernity and traditionality together. Initially, in the project, I decided the main route of this project, and discuss/drew the sketch together with other members. After confirming our topic with the National Science Council, all of our members have to participate in the discussion with engineers, then manufactured the real production model. Besides, I’m also responsible for discussing the technology aspect with the advisors in other departments.
Animal Party (group project) 2014
Funded by National Science Council
recently renamed to Ministry of Science and Technology
Animal Party is a project funded by National Science Council. This project is aiming to combine the digital tools into the traditional classroom. Nowadays, the world is rolling under the unstoppable trend--Digitalization. Teachers in the classroom, however, generally do not adapt to this trend well. In elementary school, in our country, teachers still use blackboard and chalk to impart their knowledge, while children use their digital device, such as iPhone or iPad, as their major learning material. Therefore, we want to use this project to demonstrate the possibility of combining the digital tools into the classroom. This project is a collaborative project with National Science Council (Ministry of Science and Technology), PlayMe Toys, and Generalplus Technology.