Graduate Student Association/Public Relations Department
Graduate Student Association is an institute that handles any kind of problems that graduate student is facing. The service of this association is ranging from holding Graduate Exhibition, drawing the layout of exhibition theme, to scheduling the events and activities for all students in our department. For most, this association bridges the students and the school directly.
For the communication skill developed in my previous lifespan, I was elected as the leader of Public Relation in Product Design department, Tainan University of Technology. As a leader in Public Relation, I first schedule the events of our department and find sponsorship store-by-store for our Graduate Exhibition. After preparing the funding, I designed the main theme of our exhibition and composed them into a brochure. Also, I was responsible for propagating the activities and contacting the designer out-of-school, asking their advice for our exhibition. Aside from communicating between students and other institution, I have to handle the traffic issue for graduate students in our department during the period of the exhibition.